6 Actions That Will Lead You From Breakdown to Breakthrough

6 Actions That Will Lead You From Breakdown to Breakthrough

There is a mask of perfection in social media that portrays many of our competitors and friends as seemingly thriving in these trying times. Looking at your own life, are you wondering how you will ever get through the challenges facing you today?  Remember one thing: you are not alone in how you are feeling.

When you have a setback or failure, you may consider it a breakdown. But don’t discourage. History has shown that breakdowns are directly correlated to breakthroughs. And the good news is that there is a 6-step process that can help turn the breakdown into a breakthrough.

Below are tools to help you move through and transcend any obstacles.

Step 1: Acknowledge the Breakdown or Setback

Acknowledge that you are in a tough place and not sure of which way is the best way out. Whether you are faced with fear, grief, overwhelm, health issues, loss of income, caring for others while working also, declare first that you are a bit (or a lot) over your head right now. Many are silent about their inner stress because they want to protect others from hearing of their pain. Declaring a breakdown and making your voice heard forces you to confront what has been going on for you. How you choose to deal with it takes you to your purpose.

Step 2:  Forgive Yourself

Forgiveness is an act and sign of strength and confidence. Do you expect a lot from yourself that is out of your control? We tend to be too hard on ourselves.  Forgiving ourselves allows us to move forward and regain momentum in our lives.

Step 3:  Re-commit to Your Goals

No matter what month this is, you can re-commit to your goals for the month, quarter or year. Write them down and post them on your daily calendar, journal, refrigerator or wherever you are going to see it every day. Remember your ‘Why’–your motivation and reason for choosing these goals–and re-commit to a life of purpose.  As part of your re-commitment, choose a deadline or time frame that you can meet.

Step 4: Put A System in Place That Works for You

All successful strategies performed by real estate agents begin with a system in place. The system is simple, but simple does not necessarily mean easy. Once put into practice, the next step is consistency. Moreover, the challenge is being consistent when “life” gets in the way. However, once you master your system, it becomes a path to a life of greater courage and success. Your life becomes filled with more breakthroughs and less fear of breakdowns.

Is your day going by without accomplishing anything productive for your business? This is one of the biggest complaints voiced by real estate agents trying to juggle so many things at once. One real estate agent I spoke with said that he suffers from the “Shiny Object Syndrome.” He begins working on his business and then gets interrupted by a phone call or e-mail, text or hunger and that diverts him from the task he is working on. In short, he gets distracted by what is going on around him and is unable to finish the tasks that matter to him.

Systems are taught by most coaches and trainers. Yet the consistent problem faced is that the game plan is done on “their success formula,” which adheres to a schedule that may not work for you. It is force-fed to you and then if you fail, you give up. Not this time. There is a schedule that will work for you based on your life and individual needs.

Step 5: Schedule EVERYTHING in Your Day–Both Personal And Business

Some people are morning people while other are night people. Adjust your schedule to fit when you are at your peak energy levels for performance in business and your life. Most of the top leaders and coaches that write about schedules stress the importance of getting up early, but you don’t have to get up at 5 AM if that does not work for you. This is about creating your day in a way that works with every aspect of your life, both business and personal.

Sample Success Schedule– Make It Fit Your Life!

  • Wake Up and Meditate, Pray, Journal, or Do Affirmations. It does not have to take long. The goal is to start out your day on a positive note in a way that means something to you.
  • Hydrate and Get Moving! This is the time to hydrate, have a smoothie or larger breakfast. Then take a walk or fit in a workout. The main goal is to get physically active. Doesn’t fit in your morning? Fit it in your afternoon.
  • Ready to work? Address anything that’s urgent. Check texts and e-mails for anything important that needs to be addressed right away. Go over your calendar and appointments so you have an idea of what your day will look like.
  • Prospect for Appointments – Whether in-person or virtual. This is your money-making time, so please schedule it and don’t allow any distractions except for emergencies. An hour and a half is doable. Many coaches propose 3 hours non-stop, which can be highly exhausting for some.
  • Return phone calls. Get back to people who have been trying to reach you. Return calls and texts and check your e-mail.
  • Prepare and eat lunch. Eat well-balanced meals. Don’t starve or eat junk food. Good food fuels your brain and gives you energy. Prepare your healthy snacks for the afternoon.
  • Time block. Schedule your afternoon in 60-minute blocks. Prepare presentations, go on listing appointments, or show a property. Schedule the time that you check your social media. Make sure your message or texts let people know the time of day that you return phone calls. Don’t put off adhering to the goals you have set for yourself. If something gets in the way, including personal appointments, arrange your schedule to fit your day.
  • Go over your calendar and schedule for the next day. Return phone calls, texts, and e-mails. If you have appointments in the evening, consider ending your day earlier. Schedule some breaks for tomorrow to give your mind a break and you take your eyes off your computer and phone. Be good to yourself so you can be at your best.
  • Time with Loved Ones. In addition to any parenting responsibilities, make room for quality time for your family and friends.
  • Sleep well and Rejuvenate. Whatever time you go to sleep at, make sure you are getting up and going to sleep at the same time. This is one of the best habits to build your success.

Notice how we didn’t put times in this schedule? That’s because you need to customize it for yourself. Many successful people do not get up until 8 or later. Many people who have families get up early but can’t start working until they’ve sent their kids off to school.  The goal is to have you commit to a schedule that works for your lifestyle.

Step 6: Go for It – Beginning Today

Action is at the root of all success. Every action may not give success, but at the same time, no success is possible without action. Even if you fall down again or something gets in the way, get back up. It is all a learning process. Success, when you believe in it, begins with you believing in yourself, no matter the obstacles that confront you each day. Plan your day and watch what happens. Your breakthrough is right in front of you!

Written for Form Simplicity by Janice Zaltman, a Realtor, LEED AP, Marketing Coach and Writer with more than 20 years of experience in the sales, marketing and media fields.

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