Content is King: How to Achieve Brand Growth in a Substantial Manner

Content is King: How to Achieve Brand Growth in a Substantial Manner

Bringing your business into the online marketplace is a big and profound step for any entrepreneur, but it is especially difficult for real estate agents who work solely based on commission and referrals. In a world where social media is a “make or break” medium for many businesses, negative feedback on any platform is a terrifying thought. So how can you effectively bring your business online, build a following of potential leads and respond effectively to feedback? First, we begin with and come back to the basics: content.

The first step to implementing a successful social media and online business plan is developing a goal and timeframe for your channels. Setting realistic expectations, with a method of tracking analytics, is how you will be able to measure if your ideas are working efficiently. Along with setting a goal, identify your target audience and where they are most likely to spend time. If you want to target Millennial customers, it would probably be ideal to utilize Instagram and Facebook versus if you were hoping to target baby boomers, then a blog or newsletter may be better suited.

The most important asset, or weakness, for any medium is content. Content is not only what drives the traffic on your channels, it is what will either bring leads back or push them away. To align yourself as a point of interest to potential customers, make sure that your content is interesting and what your consumers are looking for. Gone are the days when pro-business and sales taglines could flood channels of communication, while still achieving leads. Running a channel fueled by too many sales pitches and outreach methods is sure to repel even the most desperate home buyer.

There are many resources available to you if you are feeling at a loss for content creativity. Blog posts, news articles, podcasts, and current events are simply a few topics you can use to drive current and relevant content. Analytics is a great resource to utilize to see what is driving traffic on your site as well as reaching those who aren’t subscribed to your channels. Being able to adapt and change your content to constantly keep up with your target audience is imperative to having successful online channels, as well as scheduling posts each week.

In conclusion, adding online channels and social media can be a huge advantage to any REALTOR® looking to grow their business or generate new leads.  By creating relevant content, scheduling frequent posts/updates, and engaging with your target audience by acknowledging their wants and needs, you are positioning yourself as a force to be reckoned with within the market. Remember, social media and online platforms are constantly changing and as long as you are willing to change along with them, you are in a great spot to utilize some of the most powerful business technology to make its way into common business practice.

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